Why I Love Being in Customer Success (and Working with Amazing Teams)

This is a guest blog post written by FORM Customer Success Team Lead, Beth Samek.

Happy Customer Success Appreciation Week! As someone who has been working in the field for almost a decade now, I can honestly say that I love what I do. Being in Customer Success means getting to work with a team that truly cares about our customers and the success of our organization. I am grateful to be part of such an amazing team that sits in such a critical seat when it comes to the success of our customers.

Being in Customer Success can sometimes be a rollercoaster ride of emotions. One minute you’re (virtually) high-fiving your team after expanding into a new use case, and the next minute you’re dealing with a frustrated customer who is looking for answers. But despite the ups and downs, there’s little I love more than working in this field – especially getting to work with an amazing team that’s always putting our customers and their success at the forefront of everything we do.

For us, our customers aren’t just numbers or metrics – they’re our partners. We see ourselves as an extension of their team. At the end of the day, we’re here to help them succeed in any way we can. Whether that means troubleshooting technical issues, providing training and onboarding, or offering strategic advice and guidance, we’re always looking for ways to go above and beyond for our customers. And as those of us in Customer Success already know – we set a high bar – so going above and beyond is really saying something!

And the best part? We’re not in it alone. As a Customer Success team, we get to work closely with a wide range of teams across our organization – from Product and Support to Professional Services and Account Management. We’re all united by a common goal: to help our customers succeed and grow.

Getting to work with so many great teams is a real privilege. Our Product team is always thinking about how they can improve our platform and make our customers’ lives easier. Our Support team is always available to answer questions and help troubleshoot issues. Our Professional Services team is there to help customers with complex integrations and customizations. And our Account Management team is constantly building relationships and identifying new opportunities for growth. When it comes right down to it – we are ALL on Customer Success in one way or another here at GoSpotCheck by FORM.

One of the things I love most about being in Customer Success is the satisfaction of knowing that we’re making a real difference in our customers’ lives. Whether it’s helping them save time and money, improve their processes, or achieve their business goals, we’re there to directly support them every step of the way.

Of course, it’s not always rainbows and sunshine. There are days when we’re dealing with angry customers, or when we’re dealing with technical issues that are beyond our control. But even on those days, I know that I’m part of a team that’s always working together to find solutions, overcome obstacles, and move toward real and lasting growth.

And that, to me, is what makes Customer Success such a special field. It’s not just about the numbers or the metrics – it’s about the people. It’s about working with amazing teams who are innovative, smart, and kind. It’s about making a real difference in the world, one customer at a time. And it’s about knowing that we’re part of something bigger than ourselves – something that’s changing the way businesses operate and succeed.

When it comes to my own personal path, I have to express my gratitude for the leaders and mentors who have helped me on my Customer Success journey. Working with them has allowed me to become a better leader and find a career path that resonated with me over time. Their guidance and support have been invaluable, and I am excited to continue growing and learning from them in the future. I love to be the dumbest person in the room, you learn so, so much that way! 

If you’re considering a career in Customer Success, or if you’re already in the field and looking for a little inspiration, just remember: there’s nothing quite like the thrill of helping customers succeed and find their ‘aha moments’- and getting to do it with an amazing team by your side.

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