Insights for Enterprise Intelligence

Report with power and

Make stronger decisions and democratize data with custom

business intelligence

fueled by Looker, a Gartner Magic Quadrant leader.

Data Visualization tool

Welcome to

Use our business insights software to instantly build an unlimited number of customizable data dashboards and visualizations. Each dashboard is uniquely configured to meet the needs of your business and measure what matters.

Data Visualization

Real numbers, real impact.


Decrease in Report Building Time


Faster Insights
Abstractions bar graph

Measure what
matters most.

Draw at-a-glance conclusions and identify trends using custom criteria within your data model. Access all data across teams and tasks, and analyze correlations between different data objects.

Business Insights

Data that
speaks your

Scorecard and benchmark the most important KPIs in your business, and drill down to analyze performance by locations, processes, and programs. 


Abstractions pie chart
Hazardous waste tracking

Build your
perfect process.

Use data points within your business analytics dashboard to trigger automated actions within other systems, such as emails, alerts, and work orders. Save time on manual intervention, and let FORM handle the tough stuff.

Automated Reports

Easily share
from anywhere.

Use filtering logic to share key reports with internal and external teams via automated emails, CSV, SFTP file drips, or PDFs.

Tagged content

Take a self-guided tour of Insights by FORM.

See it all in action.