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Restaurant and Hospitality
How to Adopt Digital Transformation in the Restaurant Industry
Throughout the pandemic, restaurants have seen changes that have left previous standards shuddering in the wake of COVID-19. Apart from the social distancing rules and mask enforcement, numerous difficulties sprouted from decreased staffing, employee turnover, and other operational woes. The “next normal” for restaurateurs also looks to be peppered with shifting brand and government regulations, […]
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Getting Your Supply Chain Data House in Order
The pandemic has been a challenge for the supply chain. It has exposed numerous vulnerabilities within safety processes, operational efficiency, and compliance. There’s a silver lining, though. This newfound clarity means that this is a prime opportunity to take a step back, re-evaluate your tools and methods, and re-engage with the work that lies ahead. […]
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4 Fun Facts About the Intersection of Business and Technology
Imagine trying to do your job without any modern technology: no smartphone, no laptop, not even a keyboard. If you’re still able to perform your duties, you’re in a shrinking group according to studies from Brookings and Technalysis. Job skills are required to be increasingly digital, and workers are expected to be plugged in for […]
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3 Steps to Better Food Industry Safety in 2021
The pandemic’s disruption is virtually unavoidable in every industry, but it’s especially evident within the food supply chain. Amidst markets in flux, emerging health and safety concerns, and shifting standards, it’s clear that this is a time of considerable upheaval within the food industry.
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Corrective And Preventive Action – Benefits Of Automating CAPA
In the face of uncertain times, you need surefire methods for correcting undesirable outcomes in your processes. Now more than ever, CAPAs can ensure your product or service achieves your goals unhindered—even in the midst of an economy and society in flux. Focusing on the variables you can control, such as product quality and operational […]
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Restaurant and Hospitality
How Advanced Reporting Tools Can Help You Enhance Hotel Operations
Six months into the COVID-19 pandemic, leading hotels have embraced large-scale operational changes to ensure the health and safety of employees and guests. Hotel franchises such as Best Western, Hilton, Marriot, and Hyatt, in addition to industry associations like the American Hotel and Lodging Association (AHLA) have created new standards around sanitation and cleanliness practices. […]
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5 Tips to Help Franchises Succeed in the Post-COVID Environment
Quick and accurate data collection has always been a top priority for franchise businesses. Data from the front lines fuels your decision-making and helps you ensure you’re ahead of ever-changing standards. Most importantly, it tells you what’s going on in your business so that you and your staff can respond to trending issues easily and […]
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How Visualizing Data Can Transform Health & Safety Procedures
In the post-lockdown world, keeping up with health and safety guidelines is paramount. New regulations, best practices, and local rules continue to trickle down to customer-facing businesses every day. It’s a lot to keep up with, especially considering that consumer confidence is trending poorly. There’s an elegant solution to ensuring both internal compliance and consumer […]
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Three Ways to Adapt Supply Chains in the Age of COVID-19
As the COVID-19 pandemic has spread, companies have been forced to adapt their distribution and logistics operations accordingly. For many, the rapid changes have exposed weaknesses in what they believed were reliable processes, revealing visible, worrying fractures.
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Reopening Your Business After the Lockdown: Tips for the New Normal
Coronavirus (COVID-19) has proven to be the ultimate disruption in many industries. From retail to manufacturing, no business has escaped the unexpected challenges brought on by the outbreak. The economic toll of social distancing has been astronomical—millions have been laid off, businesses have closed their doors permanently, and the demand for essential goods has risen […]
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How Can Be of Service During the Ongoing Crisis
At, one of our core cultural pillars is “to be of service.” That means during this challenging time, we are responding with this mantra in mind and trying to do our part to help out.
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Daily Operations
4 Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Form-Based Operations
Most businesses deal with forms on a regular basis, but many aren’t sure how to get the most out of them. In fact, some companies become so frustrated or disenchanted with forms that they outright ruin them through neglect or mismanagement. Do the following issues sound like what happens at your company?
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