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Unfortunately, you can’t be in two places at once. But what if you could oversee every location in your business personally? You’d certainly know precisely what was going on throughout your company, but productivity would suffer because of your presence.
At FORM, we’ve seen observational data collection in every shape and size, from restaurant walkthroughs to manufacturing safety evaluations. No matter the use case, there’s always room for optimization. However, it may surprise you that that most of the observational data collection problems we encounter are solvable without ever spending a penny. We gathered a […]
In today’s consumer-driven market, it’s not enough to serve great food at affordable prices. The way a guest feels about your brand and their most recent visit is what keeps them coming back. While the quality of your food, the value of your menu, and the amenities you provide are essential, they’re just small parts of […]
The use of data analytics in manufacturing is increasing at an exponential rate. From neural networks that detect inefficiency to machine learning techniques that can predict when assets will break down, it’s clear that big data in manufacturing is here to stay.
Unless you’ve been avoiding the news for the better half of a decade, you’ve likely heard or read the words “Retail Apocalypse.” To some extent, the media isn’t wrong to call the signs of a dramatic change in the market the end of retail as we know it. Households in the US spend 50% more […]
Solutions that promise accurate, timely, and rich data tend to vary in quality. Some services that sound perfect at a sales presentation end up falling apart during deployment. Many companies will stick with a solution that they dislike simply because moving to a new service is more trouble than it’s worth. For them, the chances […]
Each year, more than 2.9 million US workers suffer injuries at work. The National Safety Council estimates that every injury causes nine days of missed work and costs $42,300 in lost productivity, insurance claims, and medical bills.
Imagine the quality management solution of your dreams. What features does it include? How does it work? Is it complicated or simple?
It’s the kind of call you dread getting: a customer still hasn’t received their latest shipment, and it’s days past the deadline in your contract. Disappointed in your performance, they’re taking their business elsewhere.
When it comes to building the best possible product for the lowest possible cost, you need to follow the most effective quality control methods. Yet, many companies in 2019 still march under the banners of Taylor and Ford, forcing outdated quality management tactics onto frontline employees and middle management.
Restaurant and Hospitality
Company implements custom mobile platform to improve customer experience evaluations WorldAPP, provider of, announced today that they have been selected by The Wendy’s Company to support the company’s commitment to leading innovation and operational excellence in the Quick Service Restaurant industry. Wendy’s® will implement a custom version of, the powerful and flexible mobile […]